
Halfway Mark for FZ Live 2020

live news Nov 26, 2020

We recently clicked over the halfway mark in our inaugural FZ Live series with Module 3 of 5 in the "Raising VC Capital" online programme this week being all about 'valuation' (how much capital for how much ownership?)

We have therefore decided to offer a limited time 50% discount to any prospective new enrolments in this programme. There are two live sessions remaining, plus as an added bonus, you will have full access the recorded sessions and all the resources from the earlier modules on demand!

CLICK HERE TO SAVE 50%  (Coupon Code:  FZLIVE50)

To find out more about our first 'live' 2020 series on Raising VC Capital you can check out the details here at (including some bonus short video resources that we recently uploaded) or you can subscribe here to get updates and information about upcoming programmes as we continue to develop the platform.

Are you a first time founder who wants to get ahead of the curve? Go on and get in the zone . . .

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